Mandatory Speed Limiters - A New Chapter in Road Safety image
01 July 2024

Mandatory Speed Limiters - A New Chapter in Road Safety

In a significant shift for motorists, a recent change in EU driving laws mandates the installation of speed limiters in all new cars. UK drivers are paying attention because the close ties between car industries in the EU and UK mean these rules could soon apply to cars in Britain.

Here at Leasing Options, we thought we would look into it and explain what it all means.

What’s the Change in Law?

Basically, the European Union has introduced new legislation requiring all new cars to be equipped with speed limiters. This move is aimed at enhancing road safety by ensuring vehicles adhere to speed limits more effectively. Speed limiters, also known as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems, use GPS data and traffic sign recognition to monitor and control a vehicle’s speed.

What Does This Mean for UK Motorists?

Although the UK is no longer part of the EU, the close ties between the automotive industries in both regions mean that these changes are likely to affect British drivers.

Car manufacturers often produce vehicles to a standard that meets various international regulations, and it is anticipated that cars sold in the UK will soon come with these speed limiters pre-installed.

For UK motorists, this could mean:

  • Enhanced Safety

With speed limiters, drivers are less likely to exceed speed limits, potentially reducing the number of road accidents.

  • Compliance with Regulations

Adopting these measures early ensures compliance with potential future UK regulations, as the country may follow suit with similar laws.

  • Changes in Driving Experience

Drivers may need to adapt to the feeling of a vehicle automatically adjusting its speed to stay within legal limits.

Potential Concerns

While the introduction of speed limiters promises increased safety, some drivers have expressed concerns about their impact on driving freedom and the potential for technology to malfunction. However, experts assure that these systems are designed with extensive fail-safes to ensure reliability.

Stay tuned to our blog for more updates and insights on how these changes will impact you as a driver.

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